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Photovoltaic solar panels transform the sun's rays into electricity. This is a renewable and clean form of energy that allows both self-consumption of electricity and financial savings in the long run.
Companies are increasingly aligning their business objectives with more sustainable business models, committing to safeguarding the environment and generating new business opportunities.
Changing small day-to-day habits can make a big difference at the end of the year, for your wallet and for the planet, so it's important to start now.
Correctly choosing insulation for your windows contributes to a smaller environmental impact. Most of the energy lost is due to poor insulation of windows and doors. If they are not well insulated, up to 30% of the heat can be lost.
Waste recycling begins in our homes, offices, and commercial establishments. Only by correctly separating waste at the source can each type of waste undergo the appropriate treatment.
Paying attention to consumption and using LED bulbs allow you to save a lot on your electricity bill.
Sustainability is a topic that we hear about more and more. What does it mean? Why is it important?
Human activity releases an excess of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which causes global warming of the planet and a change in climate with dangerous consequences for people's health.
Sometimes, when we hear that we need to be more sustainable, we think that this implies many complicated or expensive changes in our lives. However, we can carry out small actions that favor sustainability yet do not involve much effort.
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