Retirement solutions
Discover the award-winning BBVA Reforma Solutions
BBVA Estratégia Investimento PPR
Recognized with the "Best PPR Fund with Risk 4" Award at the Jornal de Negócios/APFIPP Best Funds Awards - 2024.
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This award is the sole responsibility of the entity that awarded it. Learn more at
BBVA Estratégia Investimento PPR
Recognised with the "RIGHT CHOICE" seal by Deco Proteste in PPR funds with 50% or more in shares.
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This award is the sole responsibility of the entity that awarded it. Learn more at
M3 Investimento PPR
Recognized with the "Best PPR Fund with Risk 5" Award at the Jornal de Negócios/APFIPP Best Funds Awards - 2024.
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This award is the sole responsibility of the entity that awarded it. Learn more at
The "BBVA Estratégia Investimento PPR" Fund and the "M3 Investimento PPR" Fund are managed by the management company BBVA Fundos - Sociedade Gestora de Fundos de Pensões, S.A., authorized for this purpose and subject to supervision by the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority (ASF). The enquiry does not dispense with the legally required pre-contractual and contractual information.
This disclosure is of an advertising nature and is made by BBVA Mediación, Operador de Banca-Seguros Vinculado, S.A., registered with the ASF under code OV-0060, as can be verified on the ASF site, the entity responsible for marketing individual subscriptions to BBVA Pension Funds, as an intermediary for open pension funds, using for this purpose the distribution network of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. - Portuguese Branch.
It does not imply the provision of any advice, nor does it constitute a legal, tax or other recommendation or advice.
Retirement Solutions
BBVA Poupança Reforma Plans
BBVA Open pension funds
BBVA Multi3stratégia Portfolios
It is important to save for your retirement.
Find out about the new Retirement Savings Pension Funds
Design your retirement with someone who knows how!
Active and flexible management solutionsthat allow you to generate increasing long-term savings and that will give you the comfort you need for retirement.
Every month, little by little, supplement your retirement starting at €25/month.
More information about BBVA Retirement solutions
Preparing for the retirement of the babyboomer generation in Portugal
December 2020
Warnings to the investor
- There is no capital or revenue guarantee in the following BBVA pension funds.
- It is only possible to redeem funds from the following Open Pension Funds: BBVA Sustentável Conservador ISR [BBVA Conservative Sustainable Socially Responsible Investment], BBVA Sustentável Moderado ISR [BBVA Moderate Sustainable Socially Responsible Investment] and BBVA Multiativo Moderado [BBVA Moderate Multi-asset] as provided for by law. Amounts can be withdrawn from the Retirement Savings Funds BBVA Estratégia Capital PPR [BBVA Capital Strategy Retirement Savings Plan], BBVA Estratégia Acumulação PPR [BBVA Accumulation Strategy Retirement Savings Plan] and BBVA Estratégia Investimento PPR [BBVA Investment Strategy Retirement Savings Plan] at any time, subject to the applicable tax penalty and withdrawal fee, as defined in the Information Documents (DI) and Management Regulations, in accordance with the legal terms.
- Subscription and redemption fees may apply.
BBVA Mediación, Operador de Banca-Seguros Vinculado, S.A., under code OV-0060 and registered with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority (ASF), as evidenced on the ASF website, is the entity responsible for marketing the BBVA Pension Funds, as broker of open pension funds, using the distribution network of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA, Portugal Branch. The Information Documents (DI) and Management Regulations are available at any BBVA Branch and at,, and