10 tips to be more sustainable in your day-to-day

Looking to become more sustainable is easier than it sounds.

Sometimes, when we hear that we need to be more sustainable, we think that this implies many complicated or expensive changes in our lives. However, we can carry out small actions that favor sustainability yet do not involve much effort.

1. Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth

It's a simple action that can help save up to 6 liters of water per minute. In other words, it can save 550,000 liters of water over a lifetime.

2.Take a shower instead of a bath

Taking a shower can consume up to 5 times less water and energy than a bath. Remember to turn off the water while soaping up to avoid unnecessary consumption.

3. Use LED lighting

LED bulbs can help save up to 80% of the energy consumed by traditional light bulbs. Furthermore, their useful life can be up to 30 times longer.

4. Use the energy saving option on electronic devices

The energy saving option on televisions and other electronic devices reduces their energy consumption. Furthermore, using dark wallpapers can reduce the brightness of your television and consumes less energy.

5. Drive efficiently

Not pushing it too hard in first gear and correct use of higher gears can help reduce fuel consumption and produce fewer gaseous emissions.

6. Walk or ride a bike whenever possible

Sometimes we use our car for short trips, when we could walk or ride a bicycle. Try to identify which routes you do not need a car for. You will save fuel, CO2 emissions, and, to top it all off, your health will thank you.

7. Avoid disposable products (single use)

Using disposable products leads to a large amount of waste and the constant need to produce new products, which sometimes cannot be recycled. This increases the consumption of resources and energy.

8. Use cloth bags or your own shopping cart

This will reduce the pollution caused by plastic bags and will reduce the amount of fuel needed to produce them.

9. Sort, recycle and reuse

Good household waste management reduces pollution and also helps to reuse materials.

10. Plan your purchases

Food waste causes a great deal of waste and, as a result, important resources are lost, such as the energy or water needed to produce them. Planning your meals and buying only what you need will help you not only be more sustainable, but will also help you save on groceries, as you will avoid buying what you don't need.