What effect do greenhouse gases have and how can we reduce them?

Human activity releases an excess of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which causes global warming of the planet and a change in climate with dangerous consequences for people's health.

The emission of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, etc.) into the atmosphere caused by human activity is as massive as it is constant. Society is rapidly consuming the planet's energy resources and discharging an enormous volume of dangerous waste into the environment. 

The proliferation of greenhouse gases is raising the planet's average temperature and accelerating climate change. Droughts, floods and other extreme weather events are becoming increasingly frequent. How do we stop this situation and reverse the process? In this article, we will analyze what characterizes greenhouse gases before offering recommendations on how to reduce emissions.

What are greenhouse gases and what effect do they have on life on Earth?

Also known by their acronym GHG, greenhouse gases trap infrared radiation from the sun in the earth's atmosphere. Thanks to this ability to store the sun's heat, GHGs raise the air temperature on the earth's surface. Without these greenhouse gases, instead of an average global temperature of 15 ºC, the average global temperature would be -18 ºC, thus limiting the existence and development of life.

Greenhouse gases become dangerous when their high concentration in the atmosphere has the effect of increasing the temperature. Electricity consumption, escalating waste production, the use of fossil fuels, intensive agricultural and livestock operations, and the emission of gases for cooling are five of the main sources of greenhouse gases.

A rise in the planet's temperature is not always a good thing, as it can reach values that exceed the limits for sustaining life and cause what is called global warming, in addition to producing climate change with serious consequences for the existence of humans and the planet. Although the increase in temperature appears to be only a few degrees Celsius, any small temperature change within an ecosystem can cause droughts and other extreme weather phenomena.

What gases contribute most to the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect occurs when the sun's short-wave radiation (infrared) reaches the Earth and emits energy in the form of heat. The capacity to absorb solar radiation and the global warming potential (GWP) of each greenhouse gas determines its danger to the environment. In this sense, sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is the most harmful greenhouse gas, as its heating potential is 22,000 times greater than that of carbon dioxide (CO2). 

However, carbon dioxide is the greenhouse gas that contributes the most to global warming if we limit the analysis to gases emitted as a result of human activity. Furthermore, carbon dioxide also affects marine fauna and flora, since it accumulates not only in the air but also in the seas and oceans. Other gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect are: water vapor (H2O), nitrous oxide (N2O), ozone (O3), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and methane (CH4).

With regard to methane gas, much of it is trapped under the permafrost of the coldest regions on Earth. However, recent studies have shown that, following the melting of the planet's poles due to rising temperatures, there is a risk of large pockets of methane escaping to the Arctic surface and entering the atmosphere.

How can we help prevent the increase in greenhouse gases in our daily lives?

In addition to agreements between countries and environmentally friendly policies approved by different international bodies, there are multiple sustainable consumption habits that, applied in our daily lives, help to prevent the continued proliferation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and reduce the harmful effects on the ecosystem

Promoting energy efficiency to reduce consumption and obtaining energy from alternative renewable sources (wind, wave, solar, etc.) are, without a doubt, two of the best ways to help reduce the levels of greenhouse gases on the planet.

If you have a washing machine, wash with a full load and use short cycles. Do not overuse heating and air conditioning systems. In winter, it is counterproductive to raise the thermostat above about 22 °C, and, in summer, you will save energy by setting it to 25 °C.

Also, consider combining the various forms of sustainable transport you currently have within reach, such as cycling, walking, or using public transport. Don't forget that fossil fuels (gasoline, diesel and other petroleum derivatives) used by cars account for a large portion of the emissions of this type of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere.

Reducing energy consumption, reusing products and goods to maximize their useful life, and recycling natural resources already extracted from the ecosystem: these 'three R's' are basic recommendations to consider when it comes to conserving the planet. Also, in your day-to-day, don't forget to turn off faucets and unplug appliances you're not using, especially when you're out and about. Use cloth or paper bags when shopping at the supermarket; it is estimated that a plastic bag takes about a century and a half to decompose.

Furthermore, try to purchase foods produced or grown locally as this reduces the massive carbon footprint caused by long freight transport. Likewise, if you like to keep plants at home, choose native plants found in your region that do not require transport. These are highly beneficial because they absorb the carbon dioxide present in the environment.

BBVA is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions

BBVA is committed to reducing its environmental footprint. That's why we've been promoting the use of renewable energy. Our goal is firm: by the end of 2025, reduce carbon dioxide emissions generated by the bank by 68% (compared to 2015).

This initiative is one among many actions that BBVA has been implementing under the 2025 Commitment in response to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which call for global cooperation in combating poverty and in support of production and consumption guidelines that protect the planet. 

During its second year, BBVA's 2025 Commitment mobilized around 30 billion euros in sustainable finance, which represents about one third of the total of 100,000 million euros that BBVA has pledged. Green finance, agribusiness and social infrastructure make up much of the capital mobilized in an unprecedented effort to support the reduction of greenhouse gases that are emitted into the atmosphere each year.