Legal information

I - Company details

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA | Headquarters: Plaza San Nicolás 4, 48005 Bilbao, Spain / Companies Register: Vizcaya -Volume 2083, Folio 1, Sheet BI-17-A, first registration, C.I.F.: A48265169 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA - Portugal Branch | Avenida da Liberdade, 222, 1250-148 Lisbon | Lisbon Corporate Taxpayer Number and Companies Register Code 980617375

II - Authorized companies and supervisory companies

Banco de Portugal (BdP)

BBVA is authorized to undertake banking activities and is subject to supervision by the BdP, with headquarters in R. do Ouro, 27 (1100-150 Lisbon)

CMVM (Portuguese Stock Market Commission)

BBVA is registered as a financial broker with the CMVM (Portuguese Securities Market Commission) under registration number 383, with permission to perform the financial brokerage activities included in the CMVM information disclosure system, which can be viewed by following the link:

ASF (Supervisory Authority of Insurance and Pension Funds)

BBVA Mediación - Operador de Banca Seguros Vinculado, SA is registered as an insurance broker with the ASF (Insurance and Pension Fund Monitoring Authority) under number OV-0060. This can be verified by checking the ASF website (

Premiums will be directly paid to Insurers, specifically via a credit to the respective account. BBVA Mediación is not authorized to receive premiums for subsequent submission to insurance companies. BBVA's involvement as Broker does not end when a contract is executed, as the bank shall continue to provide policyholders with support and information in the event of a claim.

III – Information on the website

There is information on BBVA's website about the types of activities it performs and the products and services it offers. Said information is only intended as an introduction to the type of operations the bank performs.

BBVA accepts no responsibility for any damage or harm arising out of the access to or misuse of the site contents.

BBVA accepts no responsibility for any possible discrepancies which may arise between the version of the printed documents and their electronic version published on its websites.

BBVA reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained in its websites, and even to restrict access to this information.

BBVA forbids the copying, duplication, redistribution, marketing or any other activities that may be carried out using the contents of its websites, even citing the source, unless it is with BBVA's prior written consent.

IV - Prevention of computer fraud

For the purpose of the prevention of computer fraud, resulting from improper requests for identification details, customers should only supply such elements through the communication means previously agreed with BBVA.