Climate Transition - Industry Decarbonization
1. Context
Within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Program (PRR) a set of investments and reforms was defined aimed at the following areas: resilience, climate transition, and digital transition.
In this context, Component 11 - Industry Decarbonization, integrated in the Climate Transition Area, for which there is a budget of 705 million euros, aims to leverage the decarbonization of the industrial and business sector and promote a paradigm shift in the use of resources, achieving measures of the National Energy Climate Plan 2030 (NECP 2030) and contributing to accelerating the transition to a carbon neutral economy. Project applications to these funds are open until April 29, 2022.
2. Goals
Low-carbon processes and technologies in industry
Energy efficiency measures in industry
The incorporation of energy from renewable sources and energy storage
The development of industry decarbonization guides
3. Incentive System Scopes of Application
Geographical area
All national territory, including the autonomous regions of Madeira and the Azores. -
Companies in the industry sector, as well as managing entities of industrial zones whose investments may impact the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the industries installed in the areas under their management. -
Economic activities in the industry sector that fall into the following categories: B – Extractive Industries; C – Manufacturing Industries.
4. Investment project typologies
Low-carbon processes and technologies in industry:
- Introducing new processes, products, and innovative business models or changing processes aimed at decarbonization and digitization, including clean and innovative low-carbon technologies and solutions that promote the efficient use of resources and their circularity, including industrial symbioses, enhancing the sustainability and resilience of value chains;
- The incorporation of new raw materials, fuels derived from waste, including biomass and biogas; the use of industrial symbioses and circular economy measures, incorporating innovation; the replacement and/or adaptation of equipment and processes for new sustainable technologies and renewable energy vectors;
- Measures aimed at adopting fluorinated gases with reduced global warming potential are also highlighted. An increase in the electrification of final energy consumption is also relevant, namely through the electrification of final energy consumption in industry and the strengthening of access and quality of service.
The adoption of energy efficiency measures in industry
- Reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, in parallel with the adoption of monitoring and consumption management systems that make it possible to manage and optimize energy consumption, thus taking advantage of the potential for digitalization and automation.
The incorporation of energy from renewable sources and energy storage
- Promotion of the incorporation of hydrogen and other renewable gases in industry, namely through electrification.
5. Expenses and support limits
16.6 billion euros to boost Portugal's recovery
The European Union has decided to strengthen the budget to boost Europe's economic and social recovery and growth. These funds are made available in Portugal via the RRP.
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