Next Generation EU funds

16.6 billion euros to boost Portugal's recovery

The European Union (EU) has decided to ramp up the budget to boost Europe's economic and social recovery and growth. These funds are made available in Portugal through the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP).

BBVA helps you to calculate the potential stimulus your company may receive.

What are Next Generation EU funds?

The EU had planned to establish a budget for European development between 2021 and 2027. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, this budget was ramped up by 750 billion euros. This increase led to the creation of the Next Generation EU funds.

The aim is to relaunch the economy in the short term and improve productivity and growth potential in the medium and long term.

When will these funds be made available in Portugal?

This aid is expected to arrive in Portugal during the month of June.

These funds are part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), which will have a budget of 16.6 billion euros:

  • €13.9 billion for grants and outright transfers
  • €2.7 billion in loans


How can you take advantage of this opportunity?

The funds are mainly used by companies as they are the main drivers of the economy and job creation.

As a main condition for access to the funds, companies must invest in projects related to:

  • Resilience: social and territorial cohesion and boosting productive potential, competitiveness, and cohesion.
  • Climate Transition: sustainable mobility, decarbonization, and energy efficiency, among others.
  • Digital Transition: digital development of communities and infrastructure, such as schools and SMEs.

We want to facilitate access to aid

At BBVA, we want to continue to be part of the solution and help companies to recover from the current crisis. In this sense, we offer our clients the consulting they need to benefit as much as possible from the positive effect of this aid. 

For your company to be able to take advantage of the opportunities of the RRP, you need to see if your investment projects line up with the objectives of the European Funds and get a head start on your application process. 

Through a collaboration with Deloitte, we help your company throughout this process.

What can BBVA do for you?

  • Calculation of the assistance to be received

    We provide you with complete information about the RRP and help your company to calculate the stimulus it is eligible to receive taking into account the suitability of your projects as regards the strategic axes of the RRP.
  • Collaboration

    Together with your company, we work out the necessary adjustments in your projects and investment in order to maximize the aid available in the Recovery and Resilience Plan 
  • Financial aid

    We sit with your company to study the all available financing to complement the RRP funds in the implementation of your investment projects.

PRR financing lines

  • We anticipate the PRR funds that will be allocated to you so your projects don't have to wait.

    • Quick access up to 100% of the awarded grant. 
    • Reduce waiting times and take advantage of potential opportunities.
    • You can request the advance of the amount of the PRR, whether it has already been approved, or is still awaiting a response.
  • We finance the additional investment necessary for the PRR to implement your company's projects.

    • Maximum term up to 7 years.
    • With the possibility of choosing between fixed and variable interest rates.
    • Grace period of capital up to 3 years (during this period, you only pay interest).

Want to stay informed?

There is still much to be decided. There will be more and more specific news and information as time goes on. If you are interested, you can contact us to keep you updated.

More information on Next Generation EU Funds


The conditions for accessing Next Generation EU funds are subject to the legal criteria defined by the European Union and/or the Portuguese Government.