BBVA Multi3stratégia Portfolios
We combine three retirement savings funds according to your investment needs.
A solution in line with your investor profile.
Active investment management.
Minimum investment of €30,000.
How do they work?
BBVA Multi3estrategia Portfolios are a personalized joint-marketing service of open pension funds from BBVA retirement savings that are adapted to the investor profile of each customer, with the goal of making the assets profitable through long-term investment in retirement savings funds (PPR). The allocation of PPRs is carried out through model portfolios according to the different risk profiles.
Before taking out this service, we perform an analysis of your investor profile through an eligibility assessment based on your knowledge, experience, and financial situation. Based on your investor profile, you can choose among the five available risk profiles: very low (currently not available), low, medium, high, and very high, whichever best suits your investment goals.
- Enjoy active and diversified management of the PPRs comprising the BBVA Multi3stratégia Portfolios, capable of adapting to market circumstances.
- Thanks to the open pension funds with diversified investment for retirement savings, you have access to global collective investment organizations managed by renowned international managers.
- Flexible and simple to take out, allowing you to make additional contributions.
- Liquidity between 48 and 72 hours after redemption.
- Deferred taxation at the time of redemption.
What do they invest in?
BBVA Multi3stratégia Portfolios combine three PPRs with different investment strategies that adapt to the goals and savings/investment needs of each customer:
- M3 Capital PPR (risk level of 3/7): investments with a focus on absolute return, seeking discreet returns that are positive in the long term.
- M3 Acumulação PPR (maximum risk level of 4/7): investments in regular income-generating assets.
- M3 Investimentos PPR (maximum risk level of 6/7): investments looking for greater opportunities to grow your investment in the long term.
Your investor profile will determine the maximum percentage of investment in the highest risk PPR (M3 Investimentos PPR).
- Very low risk profile: to 10%
- Low risk profile: up to 25%
- Medium risk profile: up to 45%
- High risk profile: up to 65%
- Very high risk profile: up to 95%
Terms and Conditions
InvestmentThe minimum investment: €30,000.Fees
Service provision fee:
- 0.65% per year for Very Low, Low, and Medium risk profiles (minimum €90).
- 0.75% per year for High and Very High risk profiles (minimum €90).
PPR management fee (includes deposit fee):
- M3 Capital PPR: 0.25%
- M3 Acumulação PPR: 0.45%
- M3 Investimentos PPR: 0.65%
Time horizonMore than 5 yearsGeographical scopeGlobal Investment
Contact your Manager to enroll in BBVA Multi3estratégia Portfolios.
Legal Notice
The information on this page was prepared by BBVA Fundos – Sociedade Gestora de Fundos de Pensões S.A. (BBVA Fundos), on its own part, and was last updated on its publication date in October 2020, meaning the information may have changed due to, among other factors, the fluctuation of markets. The information contained on this page does not constitute an offer, invitation, or solicitation to subscribe or purchase instruments, nor will its content constitute the basis of any contract or commitment. Likewise, the information contained on this page does not dispense with the legally required pre-contractual and contractual information.
The information on this page is based on information available to the general public and was obtained from sources considered to be reliable. BBVA Fundos reserves the right to update, modify, or delete the information contained on this website without prior notice. Investors should make their investment decisions based on their specific investment objectives, their financial situation, and their risk profile, bearing in mind that references to past returns or historical investment results are no guarantee of future returns.
The information on this page does not replace or alter the information contained in the pre-contractual and contractual documentation relating to the BBVA Multi3stratégia Portfolios service, for which we recommend diligent reading if you are interested in enrolling in this service. Marketing of the BBVA Multi3straégia Portfolios service is carried out by BBVA Mediación, Operador de Banca-Seguros Vinculado, S.A., a company subject to Spanish law, with headquarters at Calle Azul, no. 4, 28050 Madrid, Spain, and representation in Portugal at Av. da Liberdade, 222, Lisbon, with tax ID 980638364 (BBVA Mediación), and registered with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority under code OV-0060 as broker of open pension funds in Portugal.
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