Tips for saving in your everyday life

1. Save every day, not just when you need to

Make saving part of your daily life. By getting into this habit, it's easier and easier to save and achieve a more stable financial life with fewer worries.

2. Define a concrete savings plan and your monthly/annual goals

Don't take your savings for granted. Create a plan based on your income and expenses, whether fixed or variable, and make your decisions based on your financial situation. Follow this plan, recording your daily expenses and understand whether or not you are spending beyond your means. Setting a monthly/annual savings amount will motivate you to define action plans to achieve it.

3. Resist consumerism and sell what you don’t need

Do a deep clean of your closet and define what you really want and need. Sell everything that does not fit in this category. There are many platforms that can help you get rid of what you don't need.

4. Plan your trip to the supermarket with a list

Make a list of everything you need and stick to it as much as possible. You should also look at the prices and compare them by kg or liter. The discount coupons they often offer help to reduce the value of your weekly shop.

6. Use public transport

If you have the option of travelling by public transport, leave the car at home. Take advantage of this time to read a book, rest, or watch a TV series. Peace of mind for you and the environment. 

7. Choose renewable energy

Renewable energies can help you save money on your electricity bill. Find out about our partnership with Contigo Energía to buy solar panels and make the switch to sustainable energy, thus helping the environment and, in the long run, your wallet.  

8. Define a Time horizon

There are several products you can use for your savings, and that you should choose depending on your goals. Choose the product that best suits your investor profile and needs. 


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  • Because it is important to start saving as soon as possible, at BBVA we help you find the Savings Solution best suited to your needs.
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